? ret = garchm(r, 1, 2, l1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0.7, 1, 1, null, null)
GJR-GARCH-in-Mean fucntion for gretl by Yi-Nung Yang
Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan
The coefficient of GJR Term is gamma_i
Presample variance: backcast (parameter = 0.7)
Initial Values:
b1=-0.131806, omega=1.126780, alpha1=0.120000, alpha2=0.040000, gamma1=0.040000, beta1=0.600000,
------- mean eq & variance eq in this GARCH model --------
e= y -b1*X1
h = omega +alpha1*(e(-1))^2+alpha2*(e(-2))^2+gamma1*(e(-1))^2*(e(-1)<0)+beta1*h(-1)
Using numerical derivatives
Tolerance = 1.81899e-012
Function evaluations: 166
Evaluations of gradient: 39
Model 8: 最大概似法 (ML), using observations 3-1361 (T = 1359)
ll = -0.5*(log(2*pi)+log(h) + (e^2)/h)
Standard errors based on Outer Products matrix
estimate std. error t-ratio p-value
b1 -0.0670351 0.0246001 -2.725 0.0064 ***
omega 0.0101593 0.00146715 6.924 4.38e-012 ***
alpha1 -0.0870361 0.0151949 -5.728 1.02e-08 ***
alpha2 0.0597284 0.0162602 3.673 0.0002 ***
gamma1 0.146400 0.0172923 8.466 2.53e-017 ***
beta1 0.940360 0.00960635 97.89 0.0000 ***
Log-likelihood -1772.480 Akaike criterion 3556.959
Schwarz criterion 3588.246 Hannan-Quinn 3568.673
Replaced list ret
Evniews 估計結果
Dependent Variable: R
Method: ML - ARCH (Marquardt) - Normal distribution
Date: 01/22/10 Time: 01:34
Sample (adjusted): 1/06/2004 5/29/2009
Included observations: 1359 after adjustments
Estimation settings: tol= 0.00010, derivs=accurate numeric (linear)
Initial Values: C(1)=-0.13181, C(2)=1.19673, C(3)=0.13333, C(4)=0.04444,
C(5)=0.04444, C(6)=0.53333
Convergence achieved after 22 iterations
Presample variance: backcast (parameter = 0.7)
GARCH = C(2) + C(3)*RESID(-1)^2 + C(4)*RESID(-1)^2*(RESID(-1)<0) +
C(5)*RESID(-2)^2 + C(6)*GARCH(-1)
Coefficient Std. Error z-Statistic Prob.
R(-1) -0.068286 0.024528 -2.784002 0.0054
Variance Equation
C 0.010315 0.001488 6.934109 0.0000
RESID(-1)^2 -0.086935 0.015597 -5.573912 0.0000
RESID(-1)^2*(RESID(-1)<0) 0.146578 0.017262 8.491349 0.0000
RESID(-2)^2 0.059067 0.016569 3.564933 0.0004
GARCH(-1) 0.940811 0.009581 98.19407 0.0000
R-squared 0.013200 Mean dependent var -0.015854
Adjusted R-squared 0.009553 S.D. dependent var 1.330019
S.E. of regression 1.323651 Akaike info criterion 2.617407
Sum squared resid 2370.525 Schwarz criterion 2.640429
Log likelihood -1772.528 Hannan-Quinn criter. 2.626026
Durbin-Watson stat 2.145564
function list garchm (series depvar "Dep. var (應變數)", int GARCH[0:9:1] "GARCH p", int ARCH[1:9:1] "ARCH q", list indepvar[null] "Indpe var (自變數) list", int gjr_order[0:9:0] "GJR order (階次)", int option[0:3:0] "GRACH-in-Mean (選項 0:none; 1:stdev; 2:h; 3:lnh)", int LB_Q[0:200:0] "Ljung-Box Q (殘差 Q 檢定階次)", int LB_Q2[0:200:0] "Ljung-Box Q2 (殘差 Q2 檢定階次)", scalar backcast[0:1:0.7] "backcasting (參數)", bool ShowInit[0] "Show Init. (顯示起始值)?", bool save_resid[0] "Save standardized residual and h (儲存殘差和 h)?", string res_name[null] "User-defined residual (自訂殘差名稱)", string ht_name[null] "User-defined h (自訂 h 名稱)") #================================================================ # GJR-GARCH-in-Mean fucntion for gretl by Yi-Nung Yang # Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan # http://yaya.it.cycu.edu.tw/gretl #================================================================ set echo off set messages off # -------- variance equation ----------- # series h = omega + alpha*(e(-1))^2 + beta*h(-1) if ARCH=0 funcerr "ARCH q 必須大於 0" else string v_eq = "h = omega " string arch_param = "omega " loop j=1..ARCH --quiet sprintf arch_term "+alpha%d*(e(-%d))^2",j,j sprintf v_param "alpha%d ",j scalar @v_param = 0.04 string v_eq = v_eq ~ arch_term string arch_param = arch_param ~ v_param endloop if gjr_order>0 loop j=1..gjr_order --quiet sprintf arch_term "+gamma%d*(e(-%d))^2*(e(-%d)<0)",j,j,j sprintf v_param "gamma%d ",j scalar @v_param = 0.05 string v_eq = v_eq ~ arch_term string arch_param = arch_param ~ v_param endloop endif if GARCH>0 loop j=1..GARCH --quiet sprintf arch_term "+beta%d*h(-%d)",j,j sprintf v_param "beta%d ",j scalar @v_param = 0.04 string v_eq = v_eq ~ arch_term string arch_param = arch_param ~ v_param endloop endif endif # printf "%s\n", v_eq # printf "%s\n", arch_param tL2 = indepvar tL3 = indepvar || const genr is_const = (tL2 = tL3) if is_const = 1 tL2 -= const endif i=1 loop foreach j tL2 --quiet string temp="x" sprintf temp "X%d",i #producing tmp%d independent variables genr @temp = tL2.$j i=i+1 endloop scalar n_x = i-1 scalar j=1 # define ----------> mean eq. if is_const = 1 string m_eq = "e = y - b0 " string tParam = "b0 " else string m_eq = "e= y " string tParam = " " endif if n_x >=1 loop j=1..n_x --quiet sprintf tx "-b%d*X%d", j,j sprintf tparameter "b%d ", j scalar @tparameter = 0.0001 string m_eq = m_eq ~ tx string tParam = tParam ~ tparameter endloop endif if option>0 if option=1 string m_eq = m_eq ~ "-theta*h^0.5" string tPremium="SQRT(h)" endif if option=2 string m_eq = m_eq ~ "-theta*h" string tPremium="h" endif if option=3 string m_eq = m_eq ~ "-theta*log(h)" string tPremium="ln(h)" endif if option>3 funcerr "The GARCH-in-mean options are 1, 2, 3." endif string tParam = "theta " ~ tParam else string tPremium="None" endif # printf "%s\n", m_eq #scalar backcast=0.7 series y=depvar scalar mu = -0.037 scalar alpha1 = 0.15 - 0.03*(ARCH>1) scalar beta1 = 0.6 - 0.12*(GARCH>1) scalar gamma1=0.05 - 0.01*(ARCH>1) #### scalar theta =0.01879 scalar b0=-0.00377 scalar b1=0.5 scalar b2=0.4 #scalar omega = 1.149 #scalar omega =var(y)*(1-alpha1-beta1) scalar omega =var(y)*backcast*0.91 printf "\n\n\n\n" printf "================================================================\n" printf " GJR-GARCH-in-Mean fucntion for gretl by Yi-Nung Yang\n" printf " Chung Yuan Christian University, Taiwan\n" printf " http://yaya.it.cycu.edu.tw/gretl\n" printf "================================================================\n" if gjr_order>0 printf "The coefficient of GJR Term is gamma_i\n" endif if option>0 printf "GARCH in mean Term is %s\n",tPremium printf "The coefficient of GARCH in mean Term is theta\n" printf "----------------------------------------------------------------\n" endif printf "Presample variance: backcast (parameter = %.1f)\n",backcast # obtaining intiatial values from OLS and printing intial values # -----------ols ty const # -----------printf "islist()=%d, nelem()=%d ===>\n",islist(indepvar) ,nelem(indepvar) if nelem(indepvar) > 0 ols y indepvar --quiet # to keep the sample in use genr dum_original = $sample /* garch GARCH ARCH ; y indepvar if option=1 series tInMean=$h^0.5 elif option=2 series tInMean=$h elif option=3 series tInMean=log($h) endif */ # ----- obtaining initial value for theta (nelem>0) if option > 0 #garch GARCH ARCH ; y indepvar ols y indepvar --quiet if option=1 series tInMean=($uhat^2)^0.5 elif option=2 series tInMean=($uhat^2) elif option=3 series tInMean=log(($uhat^2)) endif ols y indepvar --quiet #series tInMean=($uhat^2)^0.5 ols y indepvar tInMean --quiet #ols y tInMean --quiet scalar theta= $coeff(tInMean) endif if ShowInit = 1 ### --- printing intial values printf "Initial Values:\n" if option >0 printf "theta=%.6f, ",theta endif endif ols y indepvar --quiet if is_const = 1 scalar b0=$coeff(const) if ShowInit = 1 ### --- printing intial values printf "b0=%.6f, ",b0 endif matrix B=$coeff k=$ncoeff-1 loop j=1..k --quiet scalar b$j = B[j+1] if ShowInit = 1 ### --- printing intial values printf "b%d=%.6f, ",j,b$j endif endloop else matrix B=$coeff k=$ncoeff loop j=1..k --quiet scalar b$j = B[j] if ShowInit = 1 ### --- printing intial values printf "b%d=%.6f, ",j,b$j endif endloop endif else # ======================--------if nelem = 0 ols y const --quiet # to keep the sample in use genr dum_original = $sample # ----- obtaining initial value for theta (nelem=0) if option > 0 #garch GARCH ARCH ; y indepvar if option=1 series tInMean=($uhat^2)^0.5 elif option=2 series tInMean=($uhat^2) elif option=3 series tInMean=log(($uhat^2)) endif ols y tInMean --quiet scalar theta= $coeff(tInMean) endif if ShowInit = 1 ### --- printing intial values printf "Initial Values:\n" if option >0 printf "theta=%.6f, ",theta endif endif endif if ShowInit = 1 ### --- printing intial values printf "omega=%.6f, ",omega loop j=1..ARCH --quiet printf "alpha%d=%.6f, ",j, alpha$j endloop if gjr_order>0 loop j=1..gjr_order --quiet printf "gamma%d=%.6f, ",j, gamma$j endloop endif if GARCH>0 loop j=1..GARCH --quiet printf "beta%d=%.6f, ",j, beta$j endloop endif endif string tAllParams = tParam ~ " " ~ arch_param # --- delete ---> printf "%s\n", tParam printf "\n------- mean eq & variance eq in this GARCH model --------\n" printf " %s\n",m_eq printf " %s\n",v_eq printf "================================================================\n" scalar presample=0 ####y[1]/backcast #see Eviews 6 Users guide, p.320 for algorithm loop j=2..100 --quiet presample = presample + backcast^(j-2)*y[j]^2 endloop mle ll = -0.5*(log(2*pi)+log(h) + (e^2)/h) series h = backcast^($nobs)*var(y) + (1-backcast)*presample #####series h = backcast^($nobs)*var(y) + (1-backcast)*(y[2]^2+backcast*y[3]^2+backcast^2*y[4]^2+backcast^3*y[5]^2+backcast^4*y[6]^2+backcast^5*y[7]^2) #------------------------series e = y - theta*h^0.5 series @m_eq #------------------------series e= y - b0 -b1*X1-b2*X2 # ---> to be deleted -----> series h = omega + alpha*(e(-1))^2 + beta*h(-1) series @v_eq params @tAllParams end mle genr dum_in_mle = $sample ##### printf ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>sample size in MLE, nobs=%d, T=%d\n",$nobs, $T # 定義計算 estimated residuals 要取幾個落後期 scalar start = $nobs-$T+1 # --- to be deleted ---> printf "NOBS=%d T=%d\n",$nobs,$T # ---- generating standardized residual and ht # ---- diagnosis of standardized residuals /* if LB_Q>0 && LB_Q2>0 smpl full series h = backcast^($nobs)*var(y) + (1-backcast)*presample series e=0 if option>0 End=$T-1 loop for j=1..End smpl j j genr @m_eq smpl +1 +1 genr @v_eq endloop genr @m_eq smpl full else series @m_eq series @v_eq endif series stz_u=e/h^0.5 series stz_u2 = stz_u^2 corrgm stz_u LB_Q --quiet corrgm stz_u2 LB_Q2 --quiet endif */ # ---- generating standardized residual (=e/h^0.5) and ht (=h) series h = backcast^($nobs)*var(y) + (1-backcast)*presample #series e=0 if option>0 End=$T-1 loop for j=start..End --quiet smpl j j genr @m_eq smpl +1 +1 genr @v_eq endloop genr @m_eq # 回復為原來的樣本 smpl dum_original --dummy --replace else series @m_eq series @v_eq endif if isstring(res_name) =0 sprintf res_name "stz_u" # default name for e(t) endif if isstring(ht_name) =0 sprintf ht_name "h" # default name for h(t) endif # 回復為原來的樣本 smpl dum_original --dummy --replace series @res_name =e/h^0.5 series @ht_name=h if LB_Q >0 corrgm @res_name LB_Q --quiet endif if LB_Q2>0 series stz_u2=@res_name^2 corrgm stz_u2 LB_Q2 --quiet endif if save_resid=1 list retlist= @res_name @ht_name return retlist else list retlist = const return retlist endif end function