
用 PPA 安裝 gnuplot for gretl under ubuntu 10.04

gnuplot 4.2 不 “完全” 相容於 gretl 的問題, 有更簡單的解決辦法了, 就是改用 ppa, update 後自動安裝, 不需要自行 compile 了 (自行 compile gnuplot 的方法,見我之前寫的 http://yinung2.blogspot.com/search/label/gnuplot

gnuplot 4.2 in default ubuntu 10.04 does not well support gretl. Gretl needs at least 4.4 to work normally.

You may use this ppa instead for the current version of gnuplot.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:daniel-elstner/ppa
sudo apt-get update

Then upgrade your gnuplot to 4.4. 

see also https://launchpad.net/~daniel-elstner/+archive/ppa

