
五種 ubuntu 上用的 blog 撰寫軟體

來源: Five Desktop Blog Editors for GNU/Linux Users

偶然從逛網站看到的, 都還沒試用過, 先記住以利日後參考。
我其實是想找一次可以管理多個網站、網誌的軟體,因為有太多網誌, 常常自已 PO 到哪都忘記了...

Five Blogging Editors to Make Blog Posts From the GNU/Linux platform

1. GNOME Blog Entry Poster
Post Blog posts from GNU/Linux using Blog Entry Poster
Gnome Blog Home page

2. Drivel Journal Editor
Post Blog posts from GNU/Linux using Drivel
More information on Drivel

3. BloGTK Blog Editor
Post Blog posts from GNU/Linux using BloGTK Editor
More about BloGTK

4. ScribeFire Firefox Extension
Post Blog posts from GNU/Linux using ScribeFire Firefox Extension
Getting Started with ScribFire Blog Editor

5. Google Docs as a Blog Editor

